
Womens Soccer Apparel

There's excitement brewing in the world of Womens soccer teams are popping up every where as clubs, in schools and on a national level. 

What are Women Soccer Players Wearing?

Depending on whether a woman is on a soccer game day replica uniforms that women often wear playing on local soccer teams. Women soccer player goalies wear a separate uniform from the rest of the team. They are specially designed for goalkeepers and are a different color than the rest of the team. A goalie must wear specially designed gloves made of foam to reduce chances of injury.  Soccer shoes for women are narrower than a regular shoe to better support a female player's foot and are designed in a performance technological way, which is specific to playing womens soccer.

Lots of Fashion Statemens in Womens Soccer Apparel

Womens soccer uniforms always have some type of color scheme for the shirt or jersey. For example, there may be a combination of red and white, pink and green or other contrasting colors. They usually compliment the shirt a woman wears with a matching tie and soccer socks and shorts. Soccer shorts compliment the jersey, and like the jersey are made from a lightweight material like polyester to prevent moisture build up. Soccer shoes and socks come in a blizzard of colors and are chosen to match the uniform design and colors.

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