
Window Rods

While only a small design feature, wooden varieties.

Installation Tips

* Make sure when choosing to place the height of the rod that you know how you want your curtains to fall and how far from the window frame you want to the curtain to be ** It's recommended that you place the curtain rod mounts in such a way that the curtain rod is high enough that the curtain covers the top part of the window by a few inches ** Of course, if you're aiming to keep your privacy while letting in a bit more light and you have quite high windows, consider starting the curtain rod an entire pane down from the top of the window * You'll then have to screw the rod mounts, which can be simple mounts from the hardware store, into the wall studs around the window frame ** You find your wall stud by using a technical stud finder or by tapping lightly on the wall to listen for where the wall stops sounding hollow when you knock * When you're sure of where to place your rod mounts, hold it to the wall and mark with a pencil the bottom screw hole; then use a mechanical drill at this spot. Then place the mount back up in the exact same place and drill the screw into the hole you just made. Level the mount and screw in the top screw. At this point you want to be extra careful you're making your mount exactly even * Place your curtain rod onto your first secured rod mount to best place the opposite mount to keep the curtain rod straight (If you're using a wooden curtain rod, it's best to have screwed on the finials to the rod before doing this) * Once the mounts are installed, you can then put your curtain panels onto the curtain rods or attach the curtain with rings if you need to * If you're hanging many curtains, to make them uniform, take the measurements of where you've placed the first mounts and window rod to repeat exactly for all subsequent window treatments

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