
Dan Brown

With the exception of J.K Rowling, Dan Brown is the only author within the past 10 years who has created such an explosion in the entertainment industry and gained such an expansive fan base. Dan Brown, a former songwriter, wrote his first novel in 1998: ''Digital Fortress''. His first written production was a huge hit, and Brown continued to perfect his writing skills in the thriller, mystery genre with his sophomore novel, ''Angels and Demons''. ''Angels and Demons'' became a bestseller, but nothing would prepare Dan Brown for the international success he faced with his fourth novel, ''The Da Vinci Code''. When ''The Da Vinci Code'' was published in 2003, it spawned a countless series of TV documentaries, religious debates, and historical investigations stemming from the plot of the book. This best selling novel also was adapted into a film that starred Ron Howard. Dan Brown has published a total of 5 novels, and his most recent one, The Lost Symbol, was released in 2009.


Movie Adaptations

Tom Hanks stars as Robert Langdon in both of these film adaptations of Dan Brown's novels. Both movies were also directed by Hans Zimmer. * The Da Vinci Code * Angels & Demons

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