
Tom Hanks

format.  No matter what type of movie you are into, you will surely be moved by any one of these: * Big (1998) was Tom Hanks first box office and critically acclaimed success.  His comedic portrayal of a 13 year old trapped in a 31 year old man's body put him on the Hollywood map. * In A League of Their Own (1992) Tom Hanks plays a washed up baseball star turned manager of the World War II era women's baseball league.   * 1993 was a big year for Tom Hanks, when he starred in two hits, Philadelphia.  Since then, Tom Hanks has been considered Hollywood royalty. * A huge role in The Green Mile helped make the 90's an incredible era of movie making. * More of his recent hits include The DaVinci Code.

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Here are some of the most popular Tom Hanks movies:

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* Movies and Television * Popcorn Makers * Drama Films * Comedy Films * Romantic Comedies