
Water Gardens and Ponds: Tubing

of course tubing. Before you break out the shovel and head to the local hardware store, know the basics about garden and pond tubing.

Size It Up

Since pond and garden tubes are used for water travel, you will need to make sure the plastic connectors and clamps.

Flow Rates

When shopping for garden and pond tubing, keep in mind certain pumps work better with tubing of a specific size. If a water pump boasts a water flow rate of 2000 gallons per hour (gph), Watergarden: * For water flows  between 300 and 600 gph: 3/4" vinyl tubing * For water flows between 600 and 900 gph: 1" vinyl tubing * For water flows between 2200 to 3500 gph: 1 1/2"  flexible PVC pipe  * For water flows 5000 and 12000 gph: 3"  flexible PVC pipe

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