
Travel Supplies

By User:AllieCashel @timeAndDate(1277137797) Traveling can be nerve wracking and, whether your on vacation or a business trip, it probably shouldn't be. If you are they type of person who hates traveling (maybe because you always realize you forgot your passport on your bedside table or because you hate long plane rides), take a look at some of these travel supplies to turn your trip into an enjoyable one. 

Stay Organized

For most people, one of the biggest stresses about traveling is organization. When you're carrying around all of your most important documents in an unfamiliar place, it always feels like they'll get lost... and sometimes they do. Knowing where valuable items are like your passport, jewelry and credit cards, and making sure that they are safe can make your trip much more pleasurable. Take a look at the following organizers for some ideas about how you can reduce stress next time you travel. 

Quick Picks: Organization

Stay Connected

It doesn't make much sense to me, but most countries have slight (and sometimes large) variations in their power system, primarily in regard to outlet shape and voltage. When traveling, people often forget that their blow dryer won't plug into the wall in Paris or that their cell phone won't charge in their office in Beijing. Make sure to bring along a power adapter or outlet converter if you're traveling over seas: without it, none of your appliances will even plug into the wall. It's important to remember, however, that many countries use a higher voltage than we do in the US, which can ruin important items like your cell phone or iPod if they are left plugged in for too long. Look for a converter that also changes the voltage of the outlet so that your appliances will stay safe. 

Quick Picks: Power Adapters

Stay Entertained and Comfortable

Long plane rides make many people bored and stiff, but if you make sure to bring things to keep you entertained and comfy, the dreaded 8 hour flight could turn into something you look forward too. Charge up your iPod, bring a long a good book, watch a movie, or snuggle up with a cozy pillow and blanket and the time will "fly" by. 

Quick Picks: Comfort and Entertainment

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