

There are many Cuban cigar once in a while, and in cold weather, nothing beats stepping out of the cold and enjoying a smoke. Cigarettes, or cigars, it goes without saying that you'll need a lighter to light up. 

Types of Lighters

Just like most other things, there are many types of lighters available to choose from, with cigarette lighters being the most common and easily available. These may differ in functionality as well as design. *storm proof lighters, where a catalystic action sustains the light.  * Novelty lighters make great door gifts and party gifts. These can be used for decorative purposes too.l.  * Engraved lighters can be personalized to become one of a kind.  * Butane lighters have so far proved to be the most popular for both safety and practical reasons. *embossed designs all over the lighter. *collectors items that may fetch a high price in the market.  * Disposable lighters are sold in bulk at wholesale level and are the most affordable kind of lighters, convenient for the times when you're desperately in need of a light.  * Modern cars and vehicles come with maintain their quality and functionailty. There are many ways to care for your lighters, depending on the type of lighter you're using.  *travel sizes. * Polish your lighter regularly and you'll always have lighters that look brand new.

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