
How to Get on the Team

ByUser:bkeating9 @timeAndDate(1302624608)Brian Keating If you've lost count of how many times a parent or coach has said to you, "Practice makes perfect!" this probably means that somewhere along the line, you've participated in an organized sport.  Becoming a member of a team can be incredibly fulfilling; it offers you the ability to be active and competitive as you strive towards a common goal. Team sports and activities are available to people of all skill levels, and the intrinsic benefits of joining a team are not limited to physical and mental exercise.  Getting involved can be a great way of meeting people or adjusting to a new environment, especially for students heading to college or adult professionals beginning a new job in a new city.

Let's Get Started

Most of us are not star athletes; luckily, becoming a part of a team allows us to enjoy our favorite sports and activities with others who also have yet to sign their own lucrative Nike endorsement deals.  But where to begin?

Athletic Footwear

Half the battle of becoming a part of a team lies in choosing the right equipment.  Proper equipment decisions will help you prevent injury, aid in your overall performance, and have you looking more like a pro out on the court or field. '''Soccer Cleats''' '''Running Shoes''' There is nothing more vital to a runner, regardless of experience, than his or her shoes.  Discovering your individual foot type is the first step to finding the right running shoe.  This can be ascertained at your doctor's office or at a specialty running shop. '''Basketball Shoes''' '''Tennis Shoes''' Athletic Outerwear Dressing right for the occasion will increase your confidence, and can positively affect your performance.  Most athletic wear can be worn to play many different sports.  Purchasing quality products will benefit you, especially if you intend to try out a variety of sports.

Cross Training and Conditioning

Regardless of what sport or activity you choose to play, cross training and stretching are absolutely essential.  Not only will you gain valuable strength and flexibility, you will also decrease the likelihood of picking up any injuries that may prevent you from participating. '''Yoga''' '''Calisthenics'''

Dress Like a Pro

Once you get on the team, it's time talk about uniforms.  Whether you're wearing a flashy new jersey or an old T-shirt, a team uniform is an important symbol of unity.  In the meantime, it doesn't hurt to look like a pro while you're practicing.

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