
Fiber and Laxative Powders

Occasional laxatives. However, acute constipation with symptoms of nausea, vomiting, pain, cramps and/or rectal bleeding requires immediate medical treatment. Eating a diet rich in fresh fruit, vegetables and fiber supplements will be helpful. Fiber is indigestible plant material that passes through the gastrointestinal tract, acting like a scrub brush and is one of the most important treatments for constipation. When fiber binds with water inside the intestines, the fiber bulks up the stool, and the water softens it. This then allows for a dietary fiber per day.


Laxatives  are substances either taken orally or in children. During the process of digestion, the large intestine and colon absorbs water and holds undigested food until it is defecated. Laxatives speed up the elimination of undigested food in the large intestine and colon. As a result of this process, laxatives do not aid in weight loss  and the reduction of calories. Instead, misuse or overuse of laxatives leads to dehydration and imbalance of electrolytes.

Laxative Powders

The safest type of laxatives are polycarbophil in FiberCon  or methylcellulose  used in Citrucel . 

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