
Barbecue Thermometers

I'm going to let you in on a little secret. Are you ready? Are you sure? Okay, here it is. There's really no such thing as a cooking thermometers wrapped up in a fancy package. Truthfully, "barbecue thermometers" are often confused with [{Search:grill thermometers]], little round guys that clip or screw to the hood of your grill. These doodads will tell you how hot it is inside your grill, but aren't particularly good at telling you how hot your food is. And knowing the temperature of your food as you're cooking it is an important thing; undercooked meat can contain all kinds of nasty bugs, such as salmonella, Ethermometer'>meat thermometer on hand is key to grilling up the most delicious food that is also safe to eat.

Types of Thermometers

The Digital thermometers have alleviated this somewhat, but they haven't solve the problem of time. Luckily, there are a variety of thermometers will work in all areas of your kitchen, from the stove top to the oven.

How to Use a Barbecue Thermometer

When using a outdoor grill can let you know where to cook thicker or thinner cuts of meat.

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