
Boxing Punch Mitts

kicking shields used in a variety of martial arts. Here I will explain a few things you should know when in the market for mitts. 

About Punching Mitts

Accuracy is a key skill to have when fighting or boxing. Focus mitts are designed fairly small to improve hand/eye coordination.  Working with these mitts also helps improve accuracy for boxing and boxing techniques. This offers the fighter an opportunity to work with a moving target.

Choosing The Perfect Pair of Mitts

It is important that you choose the proper protective gear when practicing various attacking techniques. Here are a few things you want to keep in mind when purchasing your punching mitts: * There are a few different styles to choose from. **contoured focus mitts are ideal for keeping the punches in the middle of the pad. ** Extended mitts are the ordinary flat mitts, ideal for beginners. * The material that the focus target is constructed of is important. The most common are cowhide and vinyl. These materials are strong and can definitely take a beating * You also want to make sure that your focus gloves are lightweight. A heavy mitt can hinder ones ability to properly perform their techniques.

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