
Reusable Grocery Bags

Reusable grocery bags area convenient way to help save the environment.  They not only save your home from a cluttered mess of bags, but they also reduce the amount of plastic that will fill our landfills.  Did you know it takes 1,000 years for plastic bags to break down?  And the world consumes 500 billion plastic bags per year, with the United States accounting for 100 billion of them?  These plastic bags end up in our landfills or worse, in our oceans where they have been attributed to 100,000 marine wildlife deaths.  

Types of Reusable Bags

These are some different types of beach and packing a picnic. * Look for recycled materials.  So it creates a perfect circle of turning waste into useful goods. *Cotton bags are woven so they have tensile strength. *Hemp is very durable as well.

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