

Did you know that popcorn was first discovered by the Native Americans? It's true, but it didn't really become popular snack it is today until the Great Depression, when millions of moviegoers flooded theaters looking for cheap thrills and, of course, cheap eats. Since then, the delicious buttery snack has been enjoyed by millions, and you'd be hard pressed to think of anyone who can resist the aroma of freshly popped corn. The best thing is, kosher salt, butter, {Search:olive oil]] or whatever flavoring you may wish. Popcorn sure brings back many memories for most of us. Who hasn't shaken a pan of garland for your Christmas tree?   As our love affair with popcorn has grown, so have the varieties available to us. Today, we can still choose to pop our own, or snack on handfuls of chocolate covered popcorn with pecans... addicting!  If you do not already have one, get yourself a popcorn gift baskets make great gifts. Who would not love a big basket filled with assorted flavors of popcorn! The possibilities and combinations of popcorn and flavorings are almost enumerable.  Try several; you're sure to find a favorite, or two, or three, or... 

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