
Poker Chips

heavy duty variety. So, whether you are just learning or replacing that aging professional set, there are a variety of options.  


If pretty poker chips aren't a priority, there are plenty of varieties that function very well.  However, in every standard poker chip set, there are small differences that can give one set the edge.  There are several things to think about before purchasing a specific chip set. * Chip Count.  If a poker tournament has three players, a small set will suffice, but you never know who is going to drop by flaunting their sochips'>1,000 chips.  * Casing.  A standard aluminum cases can be easier to transport. *Fun and Functional As with any gaming device, variations have sprung up over the years.  Poker chips are a versatile canvas on which to place your favorite sports team or other vice.  Plus, did you know some come in chocolate?! * Mini.  Everybody likes a smaller version of something bigger.  These have that 'cute' factor. * Major League Baseball (NBA have  lines of chips for lovers of American sports. * Many commemorative sets have emerged celebrating times past. * Try a customized set for that individual touch.

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