
Motorized Scooters

Scooters are a fun way to transport across distances. kick start option. You should understand the basic difference between different types of scooters to identify, which one will suit your requirement.

Types of Motorized Scooters

Scooters are either seated scooters. They are classified into the following types. '''Mobility Scooters'''   The differently abled can ride four wheeled motorized scooters. '''Gas Scooters'''  geared gas scooters need shifting of gears. Most of the gas scooters can reach top speeds and are good for a long distance ride. However, they are not suitable as a mobility aid. ! '''Electric Scooters'''   Electric scooters that run on electricity need to be recharged every four to eight hours and so are good to ride short distances. They are environment friendly. '''Utility Scooters'''  Utility scooters can be used as golf carts and to haul goods. You can get around small spaces like within office or school campuses quickly. '''Foldable Scooter'''   You can go to office every day in a Three Wheel Motorized Scooters to know more about them. The engines of motorized scooters are classified as below:  * 100cc scooters have a speed of 30 to 40 mph.  * 150 cc scooters are as powerful as motor cycles and it averages a speed of 70 to 100 mph.

Manufacturers of Motorized Scooters

* Invacare * Mobility * Revo * Case logic * Lynx

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