
Mosaic Art

A Mosaic art is generally used on walls, floors, and ceilings. Historically, the majority of mosaics are used to depict either religious iconography or to ornament the surfaces of  many religious buildings.  Probably the finest forms of mosaic art can be found from the ancient word, in Grecoarchitecture'>Byzantine architecture. Although mosaics are often integrated with architecture, they can also be seen on chairs, chests, tables, and other pieces of furniture all around the world.

Byzantine Mosaics

Greek Mosaics

Venetian Mosaics

Islamic Mosaics

Islamic mosaics are not only special for their artistic aesthetic value, but for the countless geometrical patterns present in Islamic buildings across the Middle East which make evident their design advancements as early as the 15th century. Unlike other cultures, Islamic mosaic artwork rarely depicts people or real life situations, but rather sticks primarily to patterned colors and imagery. Some studies of Islamic mosaic patterns show that the artists have used quasicrystal pattern. This format, which can be mathematically broken down, was not completely understood by mathematicians up until a few years ago. These mosaics point to the scientific and mathematical advancement prevalent in Islamic culture a long time ago.  Again, Islamic mosaic depicts religious imagery on different mosques, mausoleums, and palaces, etc.  Some of the most amazing Shah Mosque in Isfahan, Iran.


* '''Direct''':  For the direct method, the tesserae pieces are placed directly on the final surface structure into their design pattern. Byzantine mosaics usually practiced the direct method. Roman mosaics were sometimes constructed by placing tesserae in temporary putty before placing them on walls, ceiling, or floors. * '''Indirect''':  For the indirect method, the pieces of tesserae are placed onto a removable base material, before then being transferred onto its permanent surface.

Quick Picks

Here are a few products which will help you get immersed into the world of mosaics.

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