
Men's Electric Razors vs Manual

ByUser:PhillipPortman @timeAndDate(1295540564) Let's face it: the modern man is not what he used to be. We put a much larger emphasis on hygiene and healthsystem'>shaving. From teenage boys experiencing their very first shave to our senior citizens who might not shave as frequently, we are always in search of a razor that will give us the perfect grooming. Luckily for us, there are many shavers and related products to help keep our facial hair under control. But with so many razor options available, many men are left wondering which is better, electric razors or manual razors?

Out with the Old, In with the New?

When it comes to deciding between an traditional toothbrushes. They both get the job done, but in different ways and with different benefits. So you've received a breakdown of the differences between electric and disposable razors, but how do you know which one is right for you? 

Sticking with Tradition

There is nothing wrong with sticking to tradition, and many men find they get a cleaner, closer shave with a manual razor. Although cheap and affordable, there are multiple levels of shaver-quality, leaving you with a variety of choices to ensure you are picking a razor that will give you the most efficient shaving experience.  

Electric Razor is Right for Me

So you've made the choice to get an electric razor. A lot of people tend to get scared by changes in technology, but once you start using an electric razor, you won't look back. Here are some of the nitty gritty facts you might want to know before you make your purchase. And while all electric razors require power to work, they function in different ways. Generally speaking, there are two main styles when it comes to electric razorsthe rotary shaver and the foil shaver.

Get Shaving

So your scruff is getting a bit out of control and you're still overwhelmed by the options when it comes to both manual and electric razors. There are many things you need to take into consideration, but it is important to know that different razors work better for different men. There is no point purchasing an electric razor if you have no intentions of keeping it clean and charged, and likewise if you don't want to continually purchase manual razors and