
Lollipops Buying Guide

Lollipops are the long lasting candy that has been appealing to people for decades. The word "lolly pop" actually dates back to 1784, and it initially referred to soft candy. The lollipop as we know it today was first referred to in the 1920s, and since then has included a number of varietieslollipops'>sugar free pops. From fun colors and flavors to enormous, larger than life suckers, the options are endless.

The Basics

Despite all of the crazy lollipop variations out there, there's nothing wrong with keeping a few of the staples on hand. 

A Little Something Extra

Not all lollipops are equal.  Some of them are made with unique flavors and have varying designs.

Work for Your Candy

These lollies have a little something extra that you get just for purchasing them.

Strange Suckers

These lollies are truly unique and not for the faint of heart.

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