
Light Therapy

Now there are a couple avenues for circadian rhythm disorders.The light is concentrated on the skin or the eyes for a certain amount of time for a prescribed number of intervals. 

Acne Treatment

Ever wonder why your skin always seems so much better during the summer months? porphyrin, which releases singlet oxygen to attack the unfriendly bacteria giving you blemishes. 

Depression and Sleep Treatment

It's not unusual for everyone to get a bit down during the during the darker winter months. Depression light therapy treatment involves exposing you to more light than you would during the shorter days of the winter. You can use light boxes or a heliostat, which redirects natural sunlight off of mirrors to magnify the light's intensity and effect. The timing of light exposure, when and for how long, is most important to pay attention to for treating Dawn simulators, which expose you to light right before you wake up, have been pointed to as the most effective for this disorder. 

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