
Laptop Memory (RAM)

desktop RAM, so there isn't anything different to learn there. Usually, you'll be looking for DDR or DDR2 RAM, which are the formats compatible with just about every computer manufactured in this century. The most important thing to consider when buying memory is to check your laptop's specifications literature to determine what type of memory your laptop is compatible with. In particular, check the maximum clock speed (expressed in MegaHertz (MHz)) for memory, and also the maximum capacity per chip. Also, you'll want to make sure your laptop has enough memory expansion ports open to support a new chip. Also keep in mind that in many cases, RAM chips work as polar pairs; in other words you'll need to install two at a time for them to work properly. Installing just one may leave the channel open, and mean that you get no benefit. You need the second chip to complete the circuit. Another note: RAM is a volatile type of memory, used to improve CPU performance, not for storage. Storage media for laptops include USB Memory Sticks (aka Flash Drives), among others.


DDR is supported by every laptop manufactured in this century. There are now three iterations of this technology: motherboard supports, and try to stick to what's most current, you'll get better performance for it. DDR RAM comes in a variety of sizes, ranging from 512 MB to 4 GB. Your laptop will have a ceiling on how big of a chip it can support, i.e. how many MB's on that chip. Here are some searches for DDR SDRAM according to storage capacity. * 512 MB DDR SDRAM * 1024 MB DDR SDRAM * 2048 MB DDR SDRAM * 4 GB DDR SDRAM

Top Sellers

Here's some of the top selling memory on the market today:

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