
Household Batteries

Battery equipped household devices like cordless phone, clocks, smoke detector, Rechargeable batteries, though costs more, but eventually economical in the long run since it is reuseable, is also practical to have.    

Household battery types

Commercial household batteries come in different types and sizes: * Cylindrical battery is the most common type of all and are used in wide variety of electrical and electronic device.   *1.5V battery category used in heavy duty utility lantern flashlights, electronic organs and large battery operated toys such as walking dolls and alike. *digital alarm clocks are also served. *Digital camera, Clocks and remote doorbell buttons also uses the same. * AAA battery is the smallest and has similar usage as AA battery.

Other types of household batteries

 Prismatic or rectangular battery are also common for household uses for some conventional device but with specific power capacity. *wireless door chimes and also common household device atypical to the use of cylindrical batteries. * Lantern or spring batteries are used primarily in flashlights and lanterns. The most common version is a computers and power supply for memory retaining microchips.

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