
Collage and Double Frames

Photo prints may seem like a long and forgotten thing with digital cameras, but you know better. You brought your flash drive to the local one hour photo to finally get all of those photos printed out for you so you could frame them.  And you've got lots: from your sister's wedding to your grandmother's 80th birthday party, to the pictures you took when the cat got stuck in the hamper. You want to display them easily all at once, and frames that hold multiple photos is the perfect way to do so. Next time your friends come over.

Matching Your Decor

* If you are looking for something for your child's room, there are plenty of collage photo frames in whimsical colors. * For your littlest one's decor, there are collage frames that hold 12 pictures for their first year. You can take a picture each month and frame it to keep track of your child's growth. * If your room has a more casual feel to it, there are frames to match. Simple black and brown frames will work well without looking out of place. * For a contemporary look, very thin frames will offset the larger photo. Glass frames with no border are a great modern style.

Frame Materials

* The most common material for framing is wood. Wood can be stained in all sorts of colors and designs, and can even be bought unfinished so you can paint or stain them however you see fit. * Glass and wicker are interesting, modern looks.  Wicker has a very earthy tone to it. * If you want a ritzy look, try a crystal frame for that wedding photo or a leather frame for the picture of you and the President. * If you want something safe from possibly being knocked over by the dog, fabric or plastic frames will hold up just fine in case of any spills. * Metal holds up well over time and is easy to clean, but can rust. * If you want something really different, try stone or bamboo frames. They will stand out among the rest of your nicknacks!

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