
Guitar Strings

Has your guitar lost that perfect pitch and smooth mellow sound?  Is you electric axe not rocking out the way it used to? It probably means it is time to refresh your guitar with some new strings.  Here are some helpful tips for when the time comes change the old chords: * Get the right strings for the right instrument.  You can't play an acoustic with electric guitar strings, and you certainly cannot play a bass with classic guitar nylon strings. Here are the common types: ** Acoustic Guitar Strings ** Electric Guitar Strings ** Classical Guitar Strings ** Bass Guitar Strings ** 12 String Guitar Strings ** Jazz Guitar Strings ** Mandolin Strings ** Banjo Strings * The frequency of changing your guitar strings is related to how much you play, and how serious you are.  If you are a professional, you should change your strings every two week, and before live shows.  If you are a beginner, you don't have to be as diligent, maybe every couple of months. * Consider the the gauge of strings you like.  Medium gauge is recommended.  Heavy gauge provides a better tone, but are harder to play. * Buy in bulk so you don't have to go to the guitar store every couple weeks.

Acoustic Guitar Strings

Acoustic steel strings come in several varieties.  Usually the first two thinner strings are steel, while the thicker strings are wire with wire wrapped around them.

Electric Guitar Strings

Bass Strings

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