
Green Coffee and Tea

We live in a culture where cafes.  For added benefits, many compulsive caffeine drinkers have chosen to join tea is a trend that has swept the nation.  Coffeehouses can be found on virtually every street corner and college campus. But before you sip that next cup o' Joe, have you ever stopped to think about where these products are coming from?

Why Choose Green Coffee and Tea?

Despite the popularity of coffee and tea, groups supporting environmentally friendly products are speaking out to advocate against the use of regular coffees and teas. Many of these products come from coffee farms that use harmful toxins and pesticides, applied by workers in often unsafe conditions. Farmers also endanger animals that migrate to their coffee farms, and unnaturally speed up the growth and ripening of the disposable cups, which are often sent to landfills rather than recycling centers.

Going Green

Don't worry teas'>organic coffees and teas preserve the natural habitats of animals and birds that dwell on these farms, allowing the beans to mature at a slower rate. Want more ways to look for organic coffee grounds and teas, make sure you choose products that have been made locally or as close by as possible. This supports local farmers and also cuts the cost of transporting coffee beans and tea leaves.

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