
Girls' Sleepwear Buying Guide

By User:CoronaQueen @timeAndDate(1266005929) Comfortable girl's sleepwear

Winter Needs

Function and durability play practical parts in shopping for kids. Consider the fabric. Is it tightly woven?  Does it "breathe"?  Be sure to read the labels for content and instructions. Consider flame retardant an important safety fact you may not be aware of.  The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) regulated that all clothing sold as sleepwear for children ages 9 months and up to size 14 must be fire retardant. You can read more information concerning safety in clothing here: ''Children's Sleepwear Regulatory Summary.''  Now, with that being said, let's line up a few cozy ideas for winter wear.

Summer Comfort

Summers mean campouts, endless sleeping bag slumber parties and time for "girl talk".   Do you live in a warmer climate where cool, lightweight knits and cotton  are a must have? For the older set baby girl nighties and easy to care for linens say sweet dreams in lullaby land. With warm weather on the horizon why not think cool and breezy summer sleepers.

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