
Gas Relief

Whether you or your little one is suffering from adult medications, simethicone is the active ingredient chosen, but in higher dosages.

Types of Gas Relief Medication

gas medication is often needed after meals, in social situations, or at work.  For these reasons, you can find soft gels or chewable tablets that can be tucked away in a wallet or purse for easy and discreet convenience.   *cherry. * Drops.  Also a great choice for infants and children, these drops come with a dropper bottle for easy measuring and dispensing. *heartburn relief.

About Simethicone

Simethicone is effective at treating gas symptoms and carries little risk of side effects, unless you or your child is allergic to the ingredients.  Simethicone is safe for newborns and children and is best used after meals and at bedtime.  If you or your child continues to suffer from gas symptoms, seeing a doctor is essential, as these could be signs of something else going on.  In addition, you may need to follow a special diet to help relieve gas symptoms.  If you cannot take simethicone, opt for an Gasolve Relief or Tummy Time.

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