

A woman's most intimate pieces in the wardrobe are of course night gowns and pajamas to sexy slips and peignoirs. From sexy and enticing to sleek and practical, it is an established fact that every woman's wardrobe has to have these intimate items in them. Victoria's Secret is probably the one brand that is most famous for their line of lingerie but Freya is another brand that is not far behind in the ranks of lingerie providers.

Intimate Wear

There is a huge range of available intimate wear in order to cater to the varied needs of women all around. * Push up bras are great pieces of underwear that will be able to enhance the shape and size of your bust.  * Demi cup bras only cover the bottom part of the breast and are meant for low cut tops. * Minimizer bras are meant for fuller women in order to create an illusion of smaller breasts. These fit snugly around the bust and help mask the actual size of the breast in order to fit certain clothes which might end up too revealing. *Tigerlily Underwire Plunge Bra. * Nursing bras are made for new nursing mothers. The Freya Rosalie nursing bra would be a good choice. * Bikini panties are the general type of panties that ride low on the hips and fully covers the front and rear. * Gstring is one of the brand's signature pieces. * Briefs for girls are more modest and cover more areas. *Freya Pollyanna thong.

Swimwear and Other Clothes

Freya also has a line of swimwear to offer and these are available in various cuts and designs. *bikini tops are great if you want to show off your tanned, toned body at the beach. These come in options where you could mix and match different tops and bottoms to achieve different looks. * Tunics are available to slip over your bikini whilst lounging by the pool or the beach. These are modest yet great fashionable pieces. * Swimsuits are also available in one piece suits and are modest yet chic. * You can also find sandals for use on the beach, like the Nina Women's Freya Sandal Gold.

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