
Foreign Horror Films

by User:cmelgarejo @timeAndDate(1272380148) Sometimes the best Asian horror, they all have a little something different and definitely disturbing.  If you're looking to experience some worldly takes on what horror and true fear really is, foreign horror films are the movies to watch. you might find something so good it'll have to be added to your collection, and then you can come off high-brow in your ghoulish delights.

Asian Horror

Asian horror films tend to be a little less gore and a little more ghostly than American films. That's not to say they don't have a few good bloody moments, but these movies are more aimed at sticking in your mind afterward more than just grossing you out. They certainly love their creepy little girls as evil entities. Depending on  country of origin, Asian horror often makes commentaries on social issues they are dealing with in the East (which sometimes doesn't transfer so well in American remakes). 

French Horror

French horror is often very gruesome and disturbing. Their movies do not hold back in terms of shock value. Make sure you've got a tough stomach because what is seen in these movies cannot be unseen.

Italian Horror

From over the top, silly gore to black glove wearing murders,Italian horror has jumps and scares but also are just overall fun.  

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