
Exterior Care and Accessories

A car can be a great thing; dependable, gets you where you need to go, and is always there for you. It's like your inanimate best friend!  But if you want your beloved car to hold up well, there is a bit of work to do to keep it looking useful tools to get the job done on your own without having to take a trip to a body repair shop.


Proper washing is a basic step that all car owners should take to keep their car from being ruined by dead bugs or bird droppings. If you take the time to clean up these and other dirt quickly it'll keep them from settling in or destroying your paint job. You'll need some of the following to get give your car that nice, clean feeling. * '''Pressure Cleaners:''' If you want a really great clean, there are pressure cleaners that work great for automotive cleaning. Strong pressure removes the dirt from all those little nooks and crannies. * '''Cleaner: '''There are different types of cleaners, depending on what you are looking for. Some come in a shampoo and conditioner, but don't let it throw you off. The shampoo is basically a cleaner and conditioner is meant to bring out shine and color to your car, much like conditioner for your hair! * '''Scrubbing Brush: '''A good wheel brushes that are made just for getting around the spots on your hubcaps and tires. * '''Squeegee:''' Besides having a fun name, squeegees are great because of how well they work on windows. Getting the right length size gives your windows an even clean without leaving streaks. * '''Rust Remover: '''There are liquid rust removers  that will help remove lighter rust stains. 


Waxing regularly (about every three months or so) gives the body of your car a longer life. When wax is applied to the car, it forms a coating over dents and scratches so they become less visible. It also seals the paint, protecting it from corrosion. It'll make your car shine like it just like it did when you first brought it home. It's important to wax out of direct sunlight because the sun can bake the wax, so park your car in the shade before waxing. Other than that, all you need if a few simple tools for a perfect wax job. * '''Wax: '''Okay, that seems pretty obvious. But choosing a wax can be confusing. There are Liquid wax is faster and can be applied by hand or machine.  It's cheaper, but you'll get less waxes out of a bottle than with paste. The choice is really all about preference, as both give the same results and amount of protection. * '''Sponge: '''A sponge is needed to evenly and effectively apply wax over the car's surface. Wax is applying in small circles on the body of the car. * '''Cloth:''' A soft terry cloth towel or a shammy is needed to remove the wax and polish. Remember to wipe in the same direction as you applied the wax so there is no streaking. The softer the cloth the better to keep from scratching the surface.

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