
Expressionist Artists

Think '''Avantart'>expressionism greatly vary from artists to artist and country to country, but distortion of natural objects is usually involved in one way or another. Expressionism gained recognition in Germany in the early 20th Century, and with inspired writers, artists, and musicians alike throughout the 20th Century.

Notable Artists

* Alvar Cawénnew * Amedeo Modigliani * Edvard Munch * Egon Schiele * Emil Nolde * Franz Marc * George Grosz * Henryk Gotlib * James Ensor * Käthe Kollwitz * Natalia Goncharova * Vincent van Gogh * Wassilly Kandinsky !

Famous Pieces


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* Famous Artists * Fine Artists * Impressionist Artists * Modern Artists * Pop Artists * Acrylic Paint * Oil Paint * Watercolor Paint * Arts and Photography Books