
Exfoliating Soaps

By User:amandalum @timeAndDate(1265519832) The next time your skin is feeling dull skin!

What Is In Your Exfoliating Soap?

Did you know that the actual exfoliating properties vary in different soaps?  You would be surprised that most exfoliators in soaps are very natural.  Be on the lookout for the following ingredients while shopping for a new exfoliating soap ! *sensitive skin types.  *Exfoliating Tips * Always make sure your skin is wet before rubbing your bar of exfoliating soap over it.  Scrubbing over dry skin can cause abrasion. * Exfoliation is not necessary everyday!  2-3 times a week is ideal because you can end up damaging your skin.  The skin cells do need time to repair in between exfoliations. * Don't rub the exfoliating soap too hard into your skin.  Light, quick movements is all it takes! * Besides the common dry spots (elbows, knees, feet), treat yourself to exfoliating the back of your arms, legs, and even your back! * When you get out of the smoother longer by applying moisturizer onto damp skin. * The same face exfoliator.

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