
Christmas Gifts for Girlfriends

'''Note''': * The suggestions given here are just examples, not rules set in stone. * Always take into account how long you've known the personeven if you haven't been dating the whole time. You might find that the more you know someone, the more personal you can get. * If you've given her gifts before, make sure you don't buy the same thing twice! * Consider how the maturity of your girlfriend might affect the style of gift you choose. * Work within your budget and do the best you can. * Be comfortable with the gift you give. If you think it has too much or too little meaning to it, you might need to reconsider. * In the end, don't forget that it's ''the thought that counts.''

One to Three Months

If you have only been together for a short while, it may not be appropriate or necessary to buy each other gifts. ''But'', don't think that you're off the hook just yet. Make sure that you know for sure that gifts are offyou might need to drop some subtle hints to get the information you need. Nonetheless, should you ever be in doubt, it's good to get a little something as a backup gift, just in case she offers you something when you weren't expecting it. The gift could be something simple, which doesn't cost too much (something in your budget and not over $50). However, it should show that you didn't just grab the first thing you saw in the store. For example, if you know that she wouldn't be caught dead wearing a scarf set, just don't do it. It's that simple. The bottom line is use your noggin so that the present doesn't seem completely thoughtless, especially if you want the relationship to continue to develop. When in doubt about what to give, the best gift is time. Take her out to her favorite restaurant or to a fun activity, this way you're spending time together and there's no chance of her saying "Thanks, you shouldn't have... really."

Four to Six Months

After you have established that your relationship is in fact a relationship, it's time to consider giving a Christmas gift to your new girlfriend. You don't have to get too fancy, but certainly give it some thought. It could be the first of many gifts to come. Here are some easy ideas that are suitable in the earliest stage of a relationship.

Six Months

Now is when things start to get tricky. Depending on how long you've known her, you could get away with any of the above-mentioned items if you know that they would really strike the right chord with her. On the other hand, pushing six months it's usually time to get something that says, "I know you well enough to pick a gift you'll really enjoy."

Six Months to a Year

You've gotten so close over these last months and things are really starting to have meaning in your relationship. There are a number of options to choose from, including any of the previously-mentioned items. However, now you can include a whole new set of possibilities. Here are a few favorites.

A Year or More

You've known her awhile. You know what she likes. You know what she hatesor at least you should. Focus on her hobbies and personal interests. Try and hone in on what she's all about. Here are some examples to get you started. Remember that the sky is the limit, as is the price tag.

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