
Bike Cassettes Buying Guide

On every bicycle, there is a cogset at work on the rear wheel. A cogset is a set of sprockets which attaches to the rear wheel's hub that not only acts as a place for the freewheel

Cassette Anatomy

* Cassettes differ from freewheels uses a threaded lockring to hold on to the hub of the wheel. It has a series of splines that connects between the gears. * There are a series of sprockets in a cassette and they are held together by either bolts or rivets. This is to keep the sprockets in correct order when they need to be removed from the freehub.  * The cassette system has a drive-side axle bearing that can be out near the frame instead of towards the center of the axle. The keeps axles in good conditions by greatly reducing the stree on the axles. 

Types of Cassettes

* There are many types of cassettes in terms of size, strength, weight, material, and durability. Pick the cassette most compatible to your drive train. Picking the right one will increase its performance period. * There are several speeds for cassettes whether it is seven speed, eight speed, or nine speed. The speed determines how many positions are available on your bicycle's gear shifter and therefore what speed cassette you need. 

Top Manufacturers

* American Classic * Campagnolo * Miche * Shimano * SRAM * Wheels

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