
Baby Lotion

You only want the best for your new baby and his/her skin, which is the largest organ in your newborns body, is no exception.  There are many different baby lotions out there to ensure that your little ones skin stays soft and supple so that your baby's bottom stays as smooth as, well, a baby's bottom!

Oil and Powder Lotions

Baby lotions, aside coming in cremes and lotions, are also available in oil and powder formulas to suit your baby's particular needs.  Baby Oil * Angel Baby Oil * Johnson's Baby Oil * Up Up Baby Oil * Medline Baby Oil

Baby Lotion to Powder

* Susan Brown Baby Lotion to Powder


If only the most pure and natural ingredients are good enough or your baby, look at these organic baby lotions to ensure that your child is in contact with the least amount of chemicals.  The difference between the two is that although both try to use the least amount of chemicals as possible, organic products take this step a bit further and meet stricter standards set by the US government to be considered organic.


* Aubrey Organics Natural Baby Lotion * Penaten Soothing Naturals Baby Lotion * Little Star Illuminating All Natural Baby Lotion * Aura Casia Baby Lotion


* Lafe's Organic Baby Lotion * Buddha Baby Fresh Organic Baby Lotion * Avalon Organics Weightless Nourishing Baby Lotion

Sunscreen Protection

Another 2lotions'>baby sunscreen lotions. * California Baby SPF 30 Sunscreen Lotion * Johnson & Johnson Baby Sunscreen Lotion SPF 40 * Susan Brown's Baby Sunscreen Lotion 30+ * Avalon Natural Mineral Sunscreen SPF 18 for Baby

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* Babies and Toddlers * Baby Health and Hygiene * Baby Shampoo * Diaper Rash Ointment * Baby Powder